Friday, June 4, 2010

Mayor's FridayFunnyLinkUp Party Yay WootWoot

It's Friday, and that means Mayor of CrazyTown's Friday Funny link up. The day where I get to showcase all my favorite vids I've been storing.

This one is the comedian Sally Brook's video series on her dysfunctional housewife character, Suzy Jenkins. Suzy Jenkins is a suburban rapper.

Please DO NOT click over if street language offends, because Sally/Suzy is NOT easy on the swears. So, if offended by that kind of thing: DO NOT hit the arrow button. ( Sooooo not kidding on this: F-bombs galore, along with some B-words, S-words...)

For that VERY same reason, DO NOT watch with your children on your lap. Make sure you are: 1. alone 2. have earbuds in 3. have decided you can handle it ....all set? Good. Go put the Depends on for bladder control, and lose it!


  1. Her possee cracked me up the most! Thanks for getting my weekend started off with a good giggle!

  2. Wow, she's good! AND the F-warning was true!!

  3. Durn....filters at work....never fear! I'll Be Back!

  4. i appreciate all the warnings. it is NOT fun to press 'play' when the girls are around, and finding something like that.

  5. haha, that was hilarious! I love when moms do the unexpected. Reminds me of my life a few years ago...wish I had had the ingenuity to rap about it...

  6. Aaaaaahahaha! She's brilliant!'

    Thank you Empress!

  7. OMG, she did a VIDEO!!! I have seen her on stage doing the song, & the way she snows ya at first with the "Suzy", & sweater tied around the neck crap, then burst in to this song, made me pee my pants!! But a video to go with it???!!! Yo, dude, is there anything better than a MF Housewife??!!! The office of The Mayor declares NOT!! And the Friday Funny of the day award goes to....

    The Empress!!


  8. Seen her once before. Love how prissy she looks whilst cursing like a sailor. My kinda girl she is.

  9. WORD to your mother. I love this!! Off to spread it like an STD.

    Um? Sorry bout that.

  10. This is the email I just got from The Girl Next Door, "Drop whatever you're doing and get to the Empress' site RIGHT NOW!"

    OMG! That is hysterical, hysterical, hysterical! I just sent it to all my sisters. Thanks for this, Empress.

    Crawling back into my writer's hole now. And by the way, things are looking good, Empress.

  11. OMG! That was the funniest thing ever. Here because of The Girl Next Door Grows Up. I'm a new follower!

  12. This is the best. I laughed till I peed, then I laughed at that. Okay, not really, but you get the idea.

    The Girl Next Door sent me over, it is like she knew what I needed. Its like she is in my head. Oh hell, she is in my head, lol.

    Following you now as well.

  13. Okay, that was better than crack yo!

  14. Too funny. Every mom needs her own posse.

  15. I MY GOD!!!!

    Thank you.

    Really yo.

  16. Someone sent me your link to this, this morning. I'm just making it back to let you know!

  17. OH MY!!!!!! I totally left you a comment this morning! I bet I closed out early if you do word verification! Oops

  18. its like looking into a mother f#cking mirror.

  19. Oh man, there are some days we just need some of that Mother's Cure stock piled. "No, honey, Mama's in the bathroom."

  20. OMG, I think I'm in love with her. I'm putting your post on my FB page.

  21. Yes yes yes a thousand times yes. I've always hated iced tea -- do you think my husband would get suspicious if I was suddenly drinking it all the time? Gotta go work on my motherf****** scrapbook. HA.

  22. i will be watching this soon! i just have to wait until everyone clears out of the living room. :) but f-bombs? yes, oh my, yes.

  23. I kind of skipped over the part where you said this was done by a comedian and I just thought it was some mommy blogger, and I was torn between laughing and feeling very disturbed and sorry for this woman! But then I went back and read more carefully. :) Although I'm sure this is plenty true-to-life, unfortunately.

  24. This is exactly what I needed at the end of this day and the end of this week. Hilarious. And I'm with @Katie's Dailies: her posse washing the Volvo? Pitch perfect.

    Thanks for the laugh!

  25. Reminds me of the guy that does "i'm just an every day average normal guy".

    Suzy sounded wrong saying some of that stuff. Glad she thanked God in the beginning. Very authentic.

  26. That is hilarious!! Thanks for sharing and for the laughs!!

  27. hahahaha! OMG she says the F-Word more than me! Hilarious :) Thanks for sharing!

  28. Here via Bernthis. Because I was just talking with a patient this week about the fact that women won't be equal until they are fat and bald and still think they are hot.

    LOVE this video.

  29. Too funny! I love it - like when she was putting clothes into the dishwasher? I've totally done that. Must have been all that "mother's cure" kicking in:)

  30. Woo-hoo! My weekend has officially started. What a hoot.
    Happy weekend,

  31. I'm so deeply offended, I just can't... just kidding. Fantastic. Made my night, especially post cleaning up from our basement flooding disaster...

  32. This was hilarious. And thanks for the warning. I had one ear shut. I could still hear to the song. I wonder why! LOL

  33. Ok. When you give warnings like that, it's like telling a teenager not to buy a cd because of the explicit lyrics warning! I couldn't wait to see it. And it did not disappoint. Love it. Reminds me of how much I loved the swagger wagon. Goooood times! Plus, everything seems funnier because summer vacay has started. :)

  34. I love her!!!! She's hysterical! That was so funny. Who wants a glass of ice tea???

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  35. Everyday Goddess says:

    "This was freakin' hilarious!

    She is the modern day betty draper..."

  36. NOTE TO ALL:

    I know, I know..just the funniest thing out there. If you go to Suzy Jenkins on YouTube, you can see ALL her vids.

    There is the Xmas one, where she gets totally s**faced in front of her MIL.

    Good stuff....again, ADULTS only!!

    Glad you all enjoyed it so much. I'm loving linking up with the Mayor's Friday Funny.

    Have a great weekend!

  37. So funny! I'm here from TGNDGU too!

  38. That is completely hysterical ... thanks for sharing!!!

  39. I've loved her since the first time I saw her. Unbelievably funny. And you know me - I have no problem w/ 'street language' - not to mention, I typically view her videos at work. Heh.

  40. omg, that is hilarious!!!! I never heard of her before. I just thought she was like the average mom until she broke out with the rap!!!! Ok, so NOW, she is the normal every day mom!!!lmao!!!!!
