Saturday, June 4, 2011

Found A Home

For those of you that have come to know me and have read my posts, you know that I love blogging.

Blogging has changed my life and brought opportunities to me that I never dreamed possible for myself.

Since childhood, I have written and kept notebooks of the stories that have been my life. I don't know why, I remember feeling I just had to.

Through the wonderful world of the internet, I am ecstatic to now be a regular contributor to TikiTikiBlog.
Parenting magazine named the Tiki Tiki as one of the Must Read Mom Blogs of the year, August, 2010.

I am thrilled and honored.

My first regular feature is up today, entitled "Trading Lunches."  Who remembers trading lunches? Good memories, bad?  Or horrifying--like it can be when your Spanish Abuela sends you to school with papaya finger sandwiches.

Is it any wonder I am the way I am? Well, wonder no more.

I hope you click over, say hi, and enjoy these recountings of my life.

Me, here today? Happy last, my stories have found a home.


Thank you, to Carrie and all of TikiTiki blog, for the amazing opportunity you've gifted me with.