Friday, September 2, 2011

Why I Will Attend A BlogHer Pathfinder's Day Again

BlogHer '11 was my first blogging conference. Some have asked me if it was overwhelming to attend such a large conference, especially as a first time attendee.

I am able to honestly answer that I never did feel the largeness that the numbers of BlogHer '11 would suggest (4,000 attendees!) and I know the reason for my feeling at ease: it was arriving a day early to BlogHer to attend Pathfinder's Day.

I made the decision to begin my BlogHer '11 experience with the Pathfinder's Day pass, an idea that another first time conference attendee had suggested. Pathfinder's Day is an add on pre-conference workshop held the day before BlogHer's official opening of Friday, August 5. Passes for this day are limited to 40-50 attendees per each of the five potential blogging paths offered. 

I, along with the other Pathfinder attendees, began our Thursday morning with what felt like an intimate breakfast, since there were only 250 of us at most. Our keynote speaker was personal brand expert, Sandra Miley. Only in such a small setting would I have been fortunate enough to find myself seated right next to this intelligent, charming woman.

Sandra and I were able to sit together and exchange points of view regarding the importance of being authentic, and finding your own unique voice. Here I was, only at Pathfinder's Day for twenty minutes, and already incredible things were happening.

As exciting as it was to to have breakfast with Sandra, it was her message to all of us at the Pathfinder's community breakfast  that anchored me through my days at BlogHer. She spoke of how being who you are, and no one else, that results in the trademark that is you.

I carried these words in my heart for the next few days, and they came to my rescue many a time as I would find myself slipping into the comparison trap of thinking I had nothing new to offer, that everything that needs to be out there is already out there. I would think of Sandra's message, and keep on reminding myself that I am the only one that can write my words.

I thought often of how different BlogHer '11 would have been for me had I not been there to hear the opening address of Pathfinder's Day.

I chose the "Your Blog As Life Changer" path, facilitated by Gwen Bell and Karen Walrond  of We spent our morning writing down our thoughts to some very intimate life questions. With only 50 of us together, that afternoon we talked about what was important to us, to our lives, and our blogs. Our lunchtime keynote speaker was just as exciting as Sandra Miley. We were treated to an inspirational presentation by author and self-esteem expert, Jess Weiner,  who spoke on the collective power that is us.

Over the next two days, I kept running into people I had met at Pathfinder's. I got to know others I already knew online at Pathfinder's. All of this initial face to face contact was possible due to the smaller setting of this pre-conference workshop.  I remember finishing PFD feeling relaxed, excited, and ready to ease into the BIG day of the official BlogHer kick off.

I had made new friends, gotten my feet wet, and this pre-conference workshop felt like the most important day I had spent at BlogHer. These are the reasons I will attend Pathfinder's Day again.

Deciding to add on the Pathfinder's Day pass for this worthwhile pre-conference event for BlogHer '12 is an easy choice for me. The mind boggling part will be over which of the five paths to choose.


  1. I for one, am so glad you went to BlogHer. And thank you for sharing this post,and what you learned. (and for not writing about parties hehe)

  2. I feel the same way. I was at Pathfinder Blog as Change Agent. Also wonderful, Thursday really did help me feel more relaxed about being at my first BlogHer. A chance to meet and connect on a more intimate level. I'd do it again for sure.

  3. This was so helpful. I had no idea any of that existed. And it sounds like it really turned out to be your anchor in a swirling sea of people and information.

  4. Excellent advice...always learn from someone who's been there. Whenever I choose to step in a new direction, I often talk to people who have stepped there before me. It prevents a lot of pain and eases the transition for me I have found.

    I hope to be able to attend BlogHer '12 and if I do, I will remember your valuable advice.
    @jonesbabie on Twitter

  5. I didn't even know such a thing existed, but it sounds really great for next year.

  6. I debating doing the Pathfinder Day this year and opted out. You've convinced me to opt-in for next year!

  7. I thought it was a huge help too. A dipping of the toes before the big event. I ran into people all weekend who I had met at PFD, Or who wanted to congratulate me on my whip comment, which made it much less overwhelming and more like a big party.

    See you next year!

  8. Me too. Although my session didn't turn out to be the right one for me, Sandra and Jess made it worthwhile. And yes, the experience of just settling in a day early and meeting people in a smaller setting was priceless!
    See you again next year, my love.

  9. I love that you inspire without giving anything away. Are you going again next year?

  10. I already have it planned to go to Pathfinder next year! Can I sit with you? You know I love hanging with the coolest kid there is!I can't wait to hang out again!

  11. I hope, if you do attend a BlogHer, that you attend the extra pathfinder day: it made all the difference in the world for me.

    As long as you're going all that way, might as well get a good, solid day under your belt.

    And that's just what my experience of PFD felt like: a good solid bit of time under my belt.

    It's a great idea, for everyone: newbie or not.

  12. I'm constantly being my authentic self and then I go home and immediately regret it. Then someone will tell me they "remember me because I'm unforgettable" and I instantly think, why do I meet so many drunk people?

  13. Sounds like a remarkable experience. And such serendipity to be seated next to the key note speaker!
    I feel the same way with Bead & Button in Milwaukee every June. It is like the mothership has landed and all my people are there. The setting is large but yet intimate at the same time. I think it is what you make it.
    Thanks for sharing that recommendation!
    Enjoy the day!

  14. ---What a supurb experience :) FABulous x

  15. I did not go to pathfinder this year since I went to Women create media. I am sorry I missed it because it sounds like a great day! I am definitely thinking about it for next year!

  16. I have every single stalker like intention of hugging the SHIT out of you at Pathfinder day next year. Get ready lady!!!! ;)

  17. You know I spent my pathfinder Thursday getting to know San Diego a bit, but I did really love the descriptions of a number of paths. Am glad for the reminder to attend and for hearing how the message kept you focused throughout the potentially overwhelming conference. Next year I think I very well may go for it, since I don't have to get in a day of sightseeing my own home town.

  18. Thanks for sharing this! I haven't heard too much about PFD, maybe because of the relatively intimate nature of the sessions. It sounds like it truly set the tone of the conference for you. I am not sure if I will be able to attend BlogHer 2012, but if I do, I will definitely add this extra day.

  19. Dear Lady -- I'm in for Pathfinder's Day next year. Because I would like to more clearly find my path. And I want to tell you what a love and a light you are. xo

  20. I am totally impressed that you made BlogHer your first conference. And when I was looking at it (window shopping - wasn't in the cards for this year), it seemed that Pathfinder day was SUCH a good idea. Glad to hear it was.

  21. "I am the only one that can write my words."
    So true! Something for all of us to remember. I don't do the conferences since I don't really exist ; )but if I did this is the kind of thing I would most enjoy. Thank you for sharing what you learned.

  22. Sounds like a fantastic experience you had! Since I'm a bloggy conference virgin I would feel a little nervous but you great one, welcomed the experience with wide open arms and that's the attitude to go! I'm green with envy hahaha. One day I hope I will have a chance to go to one of these conferences.

  23. What you said, about worrying over having nothing new to offer... that, I could definitely relate to! And it seemed that I'm in dire need of Sandra Miley's words of wisdom.

    Having said that, if you, of all people, feel like you don't have anything new to offer, I think I should just shut down my computer and quit blogging! lol

    Thanks for sharing the rundown of the BlogHer Pathfinder... good to have some idea on what's going on there :)

  24. I totally agree. 100%. And that's where I first met you!

  25. I wish I had even KNOWN about Pathfinder's Day when I booked my plane tickets so early! Damn! Oh well, for the next one, right?

  26. I have been toying with the idea of going to Blogher but it totally passed me by this year. I'm glad you got to go! Sounds like you had fun.

    BTW~ HI! I've missed you!

  27. i heard many mixed things about the pathfinders day - that people didnt really learn much - i hope they continue it next year because i think i would really enjoy the smaller atmosphere pre-full on conference.

  28. Devan: PFD was the ONE best amount of time I spent at BlogHer.

    I was able to feel comfortable, and never felt "thrown" into BlogHer

    Worth the time and purchase of an extra long as I was coming all that way.

    It was great, I think you'd really enjoy it.

  29. I'm still toying with the idea of attending Blogher '12 . . . the fact that I have a penis, and the fact that I'd have to leave the wife & kids behind are equally weighing on said decision.

    But, from the sounds of it, the Pathfinder session is what kind-of makes Blogher. I mean, that's the guide between "not at Blogher" and "Holy shit, I'm in the middle of Blogher," and, really, that transition keeps you from freaking out.
