Thursday, April 11, 2013

Announcing Room of Your Own BlogHer Sessions for 2013

I'm thrilled and excited to share the news that Erin Margolin of The Road To My Writer Roots and I will be part of a panel presenting a Room of Your Own roundtable at this year's BlogHer 2013, being held in Chicago July 25 through 27.

We'll be hosting "Shedding the Façade and Writing our Vulnerable Truth," on Friday, July 25. A Room of Your Own is a 45 minute dialogue between a panel of four bloggers and the audience. BlogHer promises to assemble a diverse group of bloggers who will discuss what it's like to put our lives out for public viewing, and what, if any, restrictions we follow.

Come share, come talk; this promises to be a gathering of lessons learned, wisdom gained, and bonding through shared ideals.

We can't wait to see you!

BlogHer '13: Room of Your Own Roundtable: Shedding the Façade and Writing our Vulnerable Truth 

Friday, July 25, 10:30-11:15 | Shedding the Façade and Writing our Vulnerable Truth
In a world where judgment is rapid fire, the survival instinct we're born with is to not appear weak. Join bloggers who have shed the façade. Rather than private struggles and only working through life's questions within an inner circle, they have created strong, supportive communities. By bringing their truth -- sharing 100 percent of themselves, through working out depression and mental health histories, the challenges of finding a community, deciding what is right and what is wrong, by taking on less than popular stances, these bloggers have found strength where most expect the fear of appearing less than perfect. We hunger for connection, and connection comes from sharing our honest, real, and vulnerable selves.

* * * 


  1. still waiting on BlogHim...ha...or BlogEveryone...smiles...would be cool to see a bunch of people i know only through their words...

  2. Oh, I simply cannot wait! Both of you in the same room? #Score!

    Congrats :)

  3. What a wonderful topic, Alexandra! I haven't signed up for BlogHer this year for a number of reasons (mostly some scheduling conflicts), but I'm very sad that I'm going to miss this session.

  4. I am actually thinking of going this year (it doesn't conflict with a work conference in 2013!), and this is one of the ROYOs I absolutely must attend!

  5. So proud of you both and I can't wait to see both of you!

  6. You are famous. I love you! Molly

  7. Congrats you...congrats to both of you! You're going to rock it. Very excited for you, friend.

  8. Oh!Oh! I really really hope I can attend this session! You know this is a topic near and dear to my heart. And with the two of you at the helm, it will be really special. xoxo

  9. Can I just say DREAM TEAM?
    Well I said it already.

    So there.

    (So awesome.)

  10. Congratulations! You guys will totally KILL this topic! Woo!


  11. Way to go, gals! I truly think that being vulnerable is the thing that separates blah-blah-blah'ers from powerful writers, and you are the two to talk about that truth. Can't wait to see you at BlogHer!

  12. uhm, that sounds AMAZING!! You are going to do such a great job! XOXO

  13. Ohhh, I so wish I could be there with you fabulous, pro-active women.

    How Empowering~~! Xx

    Please put on YouTube.

  14. Take me, let me be your room mate, I'm a fun date, hardly snore at all......

  15. THANK YOU so much, everyone. I am so excited and can't wait to hear what everyone has to say. It's going to be wonderful and I hope you make your way over. xo

  16. And boom goes the dynamite.
    You're my hero.
    Rock it.

  17. Yes it's a dream team and yes I'll be there!
