Monday, August 12, 2013

Grateful for Sun, Children Still Home, and Things To Do

Today is one week since my mother passed away.

What's strange is that it feels like only days since she was here while at the same time feeling like we've been without her much too long already.

So strange.

The weather here today is sunny and blue skies, my children are home with me three more weeks, and I've grown blind to piles of housework around me. We'll be going to visit my mother's grave later on, taking her the lilies she loved so much from our garden. I know she has her own beautiful lilies where she is now, and that gives me peace that leaves me with an unexpected smile.

Thank you to all of you for your cards and emails and facebook messages. There is a strength that comes from knowing people really care... care to the point where you can drink up that love knowing you are not alone.

The internet is wonderful, and unless you have at least one foot in it, no one can believe how people you've never met, carry you. But you all have, and you do, and I am grateful for that today.


**I had the most wonderful dream this weekend. It was a day in late fall, and my children and I were walking up a cement path to a light grey bungalow that had a full outdoor front porch, when we saw my mother come outside of the house and begin sweeping the wooden floor energetically with a megawatt smile. "I didn't know you were coming so early!" she said, "I have a house again!" She kept on smiling, looking at us. We were so happy to see her and shouting "Nona!" we ran up the steps.



  1. Hi Alexandra. What a beautiful dream. I had similar dreams after my parents each passed away. They were very comforting because I knew they were ok and the pains of this world were no longer limiting them. I continue to feel them close to me. It's a beautiful thing:-)

  2. Blessings to you! Beautiful pic, btw! It sums up your post in so many ways. (((hugs)))

  3. I have thought of you so many times this past week. I hope you have a peaceful and warm three weeks with your handsome boys at home with you and that you feel their love and ours surrounding you.

  4. That's a wonderful dream. I'm so glad that is what you are seeing, along with the flowers, blue skies, and sun (and not the piles of housework ;-)). I hope your boys are well too.

    It is nice to hear from you, Alexandra, here and on FB, and to know that lots of people are thinking of you and sending love.



  5. What a lovely dream. I love the picture too.

  6. Alexandra, I've been terrible about reading blogs lately, but please know I'm thinking of you and your family. I am sorry for the loss of your mother. I remember the post you wrote not long ago about what a presence she was as a young, independent and ambitious woman.

    That dream was a gift, and I'm glad you have your boys home and your sunshine, too (with the blind eye for housework).

  7. That's her way of letting you know she's okay!

    You've been in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. Beautiful dream! She is with you, you know. :)

  9. Sorry to hear about your mother's passing. My mother passed away eight years ago. I miss her everyday. Dreams keep her alive. I agree with Andrea, your mother is with you.

  10. I'm glad to hear that your Mom didn't waste any time sending you a comforting message.

  11. smiles...i am glad a bit of sun is shining in your life...and in your dreams....

  12. God loves you very much and sent you that dream because He know that was just what you needed. Peace.

  13. What a beautiful dream! So glad that you're able to take in these moments of comfort. Always wishing you the best. xo.

  14. I've got both my feet in the internet...
    And two arms to hug you with, too.

  15. You are all such a treasure to me. I hope I am there for you, as you have been here for me these days. I can't say thank you enough. xo Love to you all.

  16. I love the internet. I'm so thankful we've been able to be of some comfort to you in this hard week. All the love, A. All of it.

  17. I've been thinking of you, and holding you in my heart all week. xo

  18. Love you. Loving your updates on FB about your sweet boys. You live with such grace and have so much to teach us all. xoxo

  19. Awwww, what a beautiful dream that must have been. I heard somewhere that those kinds of dreams are your loved ones making their presence known and to assure you they are happy where they are now.

  20. Dear Alexandra, I'm so sorry for your loss. I love to read about your mother--and what a gift of a dream. I've been thinking about you, but had trouble posting via my iPhone while I was on vacation. Know I'm sending lots of love.
