Saturday, May 16, 2015

When You Parent Teens

Brain, Child doesn’t claim to have all the answers. And we won’t offer just one view on how to parent. We might pose questions. Or talk about a topic that identifies with some but not others. But our hope is for ongoing dialogue; and to learn together.
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There are a few sites on the internet that consistently leave me grateful I have found them. One of these is Brain, Child Magazine . With writing on topics that sometimes I didn't even know were just what I needed to read.

Long admiring the work that that has been contributed there, I am now proud to say that I am published on their pages. This month's teen issue asks the Big Question: Can we be friends with our teens?

I'd love it if you click over to Brain, Child and see what I think, and why.

As always, I am grateful for your support of my writing elsewhere.



  1. This is HUGE, Alexandra. Congrats! I've been rejected several times now and still hope one day to get there. The quality of the work--as is evidenced by your inclusion--is always superior.

    1. Thank you, Jocelyn. I know you will be featured at Brain, Child soon. The writing there smacks of you. xo

  2. Most excellent. I also agree with your side of the arguement, although I found the entire piece to be most wonderful. Thank you for the tip, I now subscribe!

  3. Great article, Alexandra! I am more comfortable being a parent than a friend to my teens. I like to see them grow within their own relationships. We have time to be friends later, when they are fully formed adults. How we raise them now will set that stage. Congratulations on the feature!

    1. I'm with you. As adults, the relationship changes. But as teens, I believe we need to keep it clear, our role is to guide and be strong. (thank you. xo)
