Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Not The Same As Being There, But Still Wonderful: Thank You BlogHer

For the first time in six years, I had to miss being a part of BlogHer 's annual conference. On Monday night, I sliced my thumb with a much too nice knife (life note: go for cheap knives in the kitchen from now on) and sparing any physical details, I am in no shape to fly and do things one handed.

I missed being with my people, I missed the pride of being a blogger that I always come home with after a BlogHer conference. And I missed this: being honored as a 2016 Voice of The Year honoree sponsored by Merck for Mothers .

Merck had asked for entries that described a moment that defined motherhood. I crossed my fingers and sent in my submission, "Past, Present, Future: What It Feels Like To Look At Your Children."

And today, I am honored to say Thank YOU BlogHer,  thank you SheKnows media, and THANK YOU for the honor of being chosen by Merck for Mothers as a winning entry in their #MOMents category.
