Sunday, June 6, 2010

Uglydoll and Other Stuff That Kids Will Love

It's Monday, and Baby Emperor's post day. Last week, he promised a Summer Shopping List. I was in charge of R&D, specifically transportation and finance. He speaks, I type:

Hi. This is Baby E now. Today we're going to go through my list of stuff. My mom says I have to explain what I talk about first.

What my mom does when we're done with school, is the day after we're done, in the morning, she fills a basket for me and my brothers with stuff. Mostly books, like these Uglydoll books.

She gets us the stuff first, and then when we wake up and come downstairs in the morning, the basket is there for all of us with a note about summer. She makes us read the note first. And keep it. It's most of all books for the summer, but she puts in fun stuff for when it's late or cold or raining or boring. We keep the basket in the front room or classroom all summer. We call it the Summer Fun Basket and it makes the first day of vacation fun. I love getting our basket. I wake up super early when I know it's the day of the basket.

We went to the store yesterday with my notebook, and we walked around and wrote down what I hope is in my basket and stuff we liked. She said I could pick out some stuff for me for my basket.

*There's a rule now that we have to say that no one gave us money to buy this stuff or tell you about it. That's true. No one did give us money, and we have to pay for what we buy with my mom's money. No one gave us any stuff.*

First, books. This Ugly doll book comes with 4 of them, a set, but you can buy them like only one. And they're really cool. They're funny and so funny you will laugh. Even my big brothers laugh, and my mom laughs. They really are funny and only 5 dollars, right, mom? And you get to see all the cool Ugly dolls. They're easy to read. The website, but it has to be the official one, is fun.

I'll only do some stuff today because I found 3 pages on my journal of stuff I want. So, I'll only do, like one page, of stuff I want.

Well, and there's these Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, and they're ridiculously funny. They have stick people pictures that are funny. They're easy to read, and the words are funny. This website is funny, too.

Any maze books. All kinds of them.

New swimming goggles that match my new style. No more babyish shark ones.

Gear battery bubble maker with a gigantic bottle of bubble stuff. That is fun all the time.

Velcro ball and mitt set.

Soccer balls.

Basketball that glows in the dark.

Any sprinklers, and lots of them, so you don't get bored. Buy all the fun ones.It's fun to use more than one at a time.

Glow in the dark frisbees.

This big orange bike that I saw that I know I won't get, but I still want it. It was awesome. It's my favorite color. It matches my new style. The reason I want is because the bike I have was my 2 brothers' bikes already.

A new bike helmet that matches me now, I don't want my one with fish on it anymore.

Quirkle board game.

The new colored Connect 4 game.

Digital battery drumsticks that play drums in the air. I really want that. I really want that, hear me, mom?

PixO's making kits.

All the Bendaroos kits.

All the Backyardigan DVD's.

Mario Brothers for Wii.

Nintendo games of Starfy, and Kirby.

SpyGear night goggles.

SpyGear Micro ear gear.

Any Legos set. Especially the Atlantis ones.

Battle Strikers Turbo Tops.

More sidewalk chalks with the stencils that come with them. My mom buys us gardening kneeling pads for our knees for outside.

Any water Slip-n-Slides. My mom calls them Slip-n-Dies.

Any water blaster guns. Especially SuperSoaker. All kinds so your friends can have some when they come over.

Any Nerf guns. Get lots of them so your friends have some when they come over.

A pool.

A snow cone maker with lots of syrups. Get 4 packs and all the flavors.

Model Magic presto-dots. They make cool monsters.

I like card games, like Blink.

A pop-up tent or tipi for outside for when you want to lay outside and play and have shade. And for having lunch, too, or popsicles.


That's my list. I hope I get some stuff I really want in the basket.

And, also, ...I don't like my mom's summer pajamas. They look like she just had a tonsillectomy. I had one, and my adenoids, too, and they made me wear a dress like that!

Sometimes I like to hang extra long floss to go from between and across my teeth so the strings hang down the sides of my jaw and walk around to my brothers and say "I'm a nutcracker."

Look in the mirror. You really do look just like one, but you have to make your jaw go up and down at the same time.

Bye. Next time I will tell you about the baby socks my mom makes me wear.

Next week I'm going to tell you that funny stuff.



  1. can i come stay at your house? i love summer vacation and a basket full of goodies--i couldn't tell you the last time I had either. *sigh*

  2. LOL! Greta list buddy, I'll have to look at some of these things! My daughter who NEVER reads actually READ Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, without someone forcing her, & LOVED IT! Of course, my son lives & breathes Nerf, that's all he has on his birthday list! Happy Summer, the baskets sound like a great idea Mom!


  3. I love your list, Baby E. I love your mom's basket idea, too! My favorite thing on your list is sidewalk chalk. That is some great summer fun. I agree with your mom, too about the Slip N Die.

    And Empress, the video last week? I can't stop singing it! I've sent it to everyone I know. It was a great laugh on a week I needed a laugh.

    I'm done! Kind of. I hammered out my query and then I sent it to my sister, my best critic, because she tells the truth. She wants me to change a few lines and then if you don't mind? I'd like to send it to you.

    So glad to be back here with all of you!

  4. Dear Baby E - can I please see a picture of you in your shark goggles? Also, please tell your mom I think the summer fun basket is an awesome idea and that I may borrow it one day.

  5. boy, must be nice to have you as a mom. I'd just get sent to gramma's with no toys.

  6. I wanna come stay by your house this summer! All I get to do is stoopid housework and laundry.
    That is one smart cookie you have there! Be very proud mom.. very proud.

  7. Awesome E!!! My son is in love with those Diary of a wimpy kid books...he's been asking for the Rodrick Rules (I think it's called) and the do-it-yourself one for weeks! And I didn't know there was a website so thank you sooooo much for that info!!! (-:

  8. That is some list. Sounds like summer is FUN at your house.

  9. Great idea for summer... there will be plenty of rainy shut in days here. We did a spring party last year when spring finally made her way here. It was one LONG winter. We had a scavenger hunt that took the kids to fun spring things like roller blades, bubbles, chalk, jump ropes, bikes, etc.

  10. I want a summer box of fun like yours!!!!

  11. ha. love the idea of summer baskets...might have to borrow that...sounds like you got some cool stuff on that the books...we are reading diary of a winpy kid right now...will have to check out the ugly doll books for my boys...hope you have a great summer E!

  12. Ooooh, I'm with the others! I want to come spend summer at YOUR house, sounds like you guys have a BLAST!! Yay!!

  13. very cool! i love reading your posts! they are so totally fun!

  14. I really think you should get the pool and the bike!! Yep...tell your mom that!!

    What a great idea. My kids would love that. Hmm..we have 4 days of school left!

  15. The ritual you have with your children is absolutely precious. If I were a mom, I would want to do something exactly like that! (The box and the partnered story telling.)

  16. What a GREAT idea!! I am going to have to do this for my kids!! Oh, and fantastic list. We love anything SpyGear around hear, DD wants to be a spy when she grows up :).

  17. Thanks for all the cool ideas Baby E. I have a little boy who will probably like a lot of that stuff in a couple of years. You're lucky you have such a nice Mom to make up those baskets for you:)

  18. Oh, my gosh, that is a GREAT idea. My son is at a cabin in the woods for a few days, and one of the things I was going to do while he was gone is try to make some project baskets for the next 8 weeks. But I love how you've made it almost like an Easter basket- much more fun! I'm going to surprise him when he comes home- thanks for the inspiration.

  19. baby e has got it made! i love the mario bros (takes me back) and the pool (the classic summer fun). fabulous taste of summer sensations around the corner, ms. empress:)

  20. Oh how I miss those days! I looked forward to school being out so that I'd have more time with my boys. Um, I don't think I saw a puppy on that list--or did I just miss it!

    Enjoy the summer!


  21. The Empress must be an extraordinarily fast typist. I imagine this being dictated at top speed!

  22. Oh lord, I laughed so hard. I should let bratchild guest post.
    Would probably be something along the lines of, "I haven't bathed in 3 days. Mum says chlorine in the pool totally counts" and then DHR would show up.

  23. My two-year old is madly in love with his uglydoll - best stuffy ever :).

  24. Well, Baby E. Your Mother is one clever chooky putting together such a basket for you. I am impressed.

    And my - what a list you have! It almost rivals my 8yr old's wishlist for Santa last year. Almost.

    Have a fun summer! Sounds like it will be AWESOME! xx

  25. May I send my grown kids to your place?

  26. Our sons would get along very, very well. Scarily well, judging from that toy list. Altho I did not see the Kung Zhus on there. And he's long done with the Backyardigans. But Lego Atlantis? He keeps mentioning how much he'd like that.

  27. Oh don't grow up too fast BABY E!! Keep the shark goggles!! They're still cool, really!

    I think the nutcracker trick is so cool! Thanks for the suggestion, maybe I'll be one for halloween. Too bad about your mom's pajamas. I think it's really bad when you look like you're wearing a hospital gown and there's a giant picture of garfield drinking coffee on the Garfield on the front? Because if he is, I don't know if I can be friends with your mom anymore...
    Okay, I can. But she would need a new style. Maybe you could help her with that? Charge her an orange bike fee for your services as a stylist...then everyone's happy!

  28. Sigh. I wrote a long awesome comment and it's gone.

  29. Baby E, did you know that you have the COOLEST mom every? I mean, the coolest!!

    Are you going to be a comedian when you grow up?

  30. Baby E, You rock,but your mom rocks even harder for doing this for you guys!

    And if you actually get a pool, in your summer basket, in your front room, I want pictures!!!


  31. I love Ugly Dolls and Diary of a Wimpy Kid books!

  32. Dude, I can't believe this is only 1 page of 3 pages of stuff that you want! How big is the basket anyway? Bet it's bigger than you.

  33. Oh my, you have a very lovely Mom I have to tell you and a wonderful summer ahead with your baskets and shopping list and more!

  34. That's an awesome list. You do have a basket filled with lots of goodies. We had nice Summer vacations too. Though, I spent most of the time troubling my neighbor.

    Loved this post, Baby E!:)

  35. Wow, Baby E., what a list! I think you can also use this for all moms and other grown ups who need advice on what gifts to get a 9 year old boy :-) You've given me some ideas. I have never head of Ugly Dolls!

    It sounds like you're going to have a great summer. What a fantastic mom you have.

    Btw, I am very curious about her summer pajamas. Please upload a picture.

  36. Cool beans! I love the idea of the summer basket. I may have to steal that one. And I must say, you have great taste. And if your mom gets Bendaroos, she needs to look at Amazon. They're pretty decent priced. BUT I warn you, they feel gross. Kinda like sticky-booger gross. I think my boys will like the Uglydolls stuff. I'm going to look for those. I have a snowcone maker, but I don't have syrup, so, I'm only 1/2 cool. I hope you get a "slip n die." We can't have one. #1) It takes grass in your yard and not grass burrs, and #2) it would not be cool to fly off the end into cow poop, which we have a lot of in our yard because we have no yard fence and the cows get on my porch.But we love sidewalk chalk.

    Can't wait to hear about the baby socks. And... you might hint to your brothers about setting up a special "mom basket" for all her awesome work. It's a thought.

  37. What a great idea - a summer basket! I want one! Slip 'n Dies. Hilarious.

  38. Sounds like a basket full of summer fun even if he does have towear baby socks...maybe he can go barefoot since it's summer!

  39. Your house sounds awesome! When can we come over? :)

  40. My boys love the Wimpy Kids books so I'm hoping they'll like the Ugly Dolls ones, too. Thanks for the tip, Baby E. We're doing the summer reading program at our library.

  41. I love this list! It reminds me of the time my younger daughter took a huge pile of post-it notes and every catalog in the house to mark all the things she wanted for Christmas that year. When she was done, the catalogs were so thick with post-it desires that they wouldn't pile on top of one another nicely.

    She would have needed a basket as large as yours!

    Also? My younger daughter hears you on the new style thing. She has a bike helmet with farm animals on it, and she is HORRIFIED to be seen in public with it on her head.

    She is so much cooler than farm animals, apparently.

    And her mother needs to get a clue.

  42. Summer basket? I want one too.

    Kid- new look? You have me laughing here! No fish anymore, huh? :D

    I'd love to read about your baby socks.

    Also, you ought to know. The pool won't fit in the basket. Not after all of that!

  43. Great list!

    We bought a sno cone machine over here and love it. I might like it more than my kids.

  44. Seriously, these posts by him are awesome. My son had to upgrade his bike helmet too for similar reasons of style (Spiderman was sooo 15 minutes ago).

    Also, I love the basket idea, and I may have to borrow it. I'm going to study this list...our summer starts next Friday.

  45. Man, you have one awesome mom! I love the idea of summer fun baskets. Also, I think the garden kneeling pad idea is genius for kids and for mommies who help them draw on the sidewalks.

    Have you tried the sidewalk chalk that comes with 3D glasses? It's pretty cool!

  46. Oh Baby E -- I am growing to be such a big fan of yours! I hope you get the stuff for your cool new look ... I wouldn't want you to be stuck with FISH. Those are so 2009!!! And Qwirkle is a really great game ... we have it and all of us love playing it. Even your mom and dad would like it. Also, if you get Super Mario Bros Wii, be sure to collect as many star coins as you can as you go along ... trust me, I learned the hard way. (You'll need them to open up levels on the "secret" level 9.) And if I may be so bold, you might want to check out the new line of Lego games. There is one called Creationary that is really awesome ... it like Pictionary but with Legos. It sounds like something you would love playing. And I think I might have to create a summer basket too! Your mom is very very smart.

  47. I love that idea of a basket! What a great idea! I have so many of your posts to catch up on. I have no time to read with my kid never wanting to sleep and photos to edit! Argh! Drives me nuts because you so crack me up! And I need that!

  48. Thank you to everyone who keeps coming back to visit with Baby E.

    He gets his basket Friday, I'll let you know how me makes out...(probably like a bandit b/c he's so cute...)

    How does he think a bike and pool will fit in there? I don't's what makes him who he is. That eternal hope, poor thing.

    Happy Summer Basket Days to you all!


  49. That is awesome Baby E! The summer basket looks like a fabulous idea! My oldest son loves the Wimpy kid books, he just can't get enough of them. He loved the movie too....oh and Mario is a huge part of his Nintendo collection. Even I love Mario! Happy Summer!!!

  50. I frackin love Baby E's blogsstuffs. I am still lol'ing at Slin 'n' Dies because, so true. And I also want Mario Brothers for Wii. But no summer basket for me. I do have a birthday, but I was saving that for a new camera flash. hehe
