Thursday, May 23, 2013

Things I'll Miss About My Life When Summer Vacation Begins

School will be out within a few weeks. Aaaaaaaaaall the children will be home. Having them with me, around me, walking around in the mornings with their summer pajamas and their bedhead heads just hovering inches away, close enough to smell their night time warmness is a top pleasure in my life.

However, there will be changes, and some of these changes, will be difficult.

In no particular order, the shift from me now being left home alone unsupervised to 24 hour guarded by three pseudo husbands is about to begin, and that means:

  • 1.  No more Amy Winehouse at volume 48 pleading Vaaaaaaal, Valerieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! off of YouTube while I scrub the floors.

  • 2.  The 40 minute phone calls to my niece, hosted from the kitchen table, with my feet all barefooty on the edge of the barnwood, pfffffffft. A thing of the past.

  • 3.  Someone will be finding my coffee mugs placed all over the house and again with the comments of "Mom, do you really drink this much coffee or do you need to make an early Alzheimer's appointment?"

  • 4.  The questions, the hovering questions, of "How much longer are you going to be on the computer??"

  • 5. Bright eyeballs peering over from behind the stove, unhappily commenting on the beginnings of supper. Right now, they come home so hungry from school I could serve up plucked crow and they'd kiss my feet. Also, related: no more being able to lie, "It's not left overs. I just made it."

  • 6.  Having to be out of my pajamas and into a bra before the raised eyebrows that judge, "Do you EVEN plan on getting dressed today?"

  • 7.  No such thing as running into the grocery store and leaving with only what's on the list, unless the list states 15 containers Pringles, 6 bags Lay's BBQ chips, 2 quarts Mint Chocolate Chip, and half a dozen Ice Cream Sandwiches. Oh. And root beers.

  • 8.  Having to take on a third job to pay for the sunscreen and bug spray that three big kids' skin surface area requires. (1500 sq. in. per child x $100.00 per 8 oz of what sunscreen manufacturers think is liquid gold = enough money to make you puke) Especially for someone like me who insists on apply as directed: repeat as necessary.

  • 9.  Seek out fourth job (I can work it in between 11 pm and 5 am) to cover costs of filling up gas tank for two teens' worth of summer driving.

  • 10. Did I mention the snacking begins? I should have married a food wholesaler.

* * *
 **Seriously, I canNOT wait to get my children back, all three of them, for three months. The teachers have had them long enough, and now it's my turn.


  1. lol on the coffee...
    8 days...and i can not wait...we are beyond the end of year testing so the kids think they are done...but are not...oy...i am coming home beat every

  2. Humor and heart, just like life with boys.

  3. I'll send you one more. He's a big kid. (41) You'll definitely need that other job to feed him, he's a bottomless pit.

  4. lol love this!
    I can imagine the snacking! I have to brothers and when they are home a lot yeah, there's not enough snacks in the world left lol.

  5. Oh the snacking. Where does it all go? Bottomless pits.

  6. I know how you feel. Well, kind of. Instead of boys, I have an Accordionist, who has suddenly decided that things he has been accomplishing ALL HIS LIFE are suddenly "two -person jobs."?? So now we do things like picking up the errant sticks before he mows. Together. And now he thinks he needs company while HE EATS HIS LUNCH. Heaven help me. Hey, I might give YOU a call....molly

  7. What about the ubiquitous: I'm Bored!

    1. Dear wonderful France: know why I dont get that? Because they know if they say it, they'll be handed work... xo

  8. I house-sat/baby-sat for my CEO and his wife. They had a 14 year-old son and needed someone to cart him around to after-school activities and make sure he didn't burn the house down. I was SHOCKED at the amount of food the son and his friends inhaled. 5,000 calories in a sitting and they'd be hungry in two hours. I was envious of their metabolism and thankful I didn't have to pay for the grocery bill!

    1. Lindsay, why I work oh, about FOUR jobs!!! Thanks so much for stopping by. xo

  9. I only have one boy, but the eating at the age of 7 is astounding. I fear for what lays ahead. And I sooo know this hovering over the computer. I do not like to be rushed people (as I scroll through sites mindlessly)!
    Funny, funny post!

  10. My mother is coming to stay with me for 3 weeks. Now I'm going to have to shower regularly and get dressed EVERY DAY. She also says she's bored about every 2 hours and wants to know what we're going to "do" today. "Nothing" is not the answer she's looking for.

    1. Oh, you DO know what I'm talking about, I love having them, love it, but the blocks of time to get things done... GONE.

  11. I am in such denial. I keep telling myself that now that the girls are teens and they sleep so late, it'll really be just like working at home by myself. But it's not true. Their sleep-breathing: it judges me, and counts the number of times I wander away from the office to go inventory the pantry yet again.

    It's only 3 months though, right?! We can do this?! HELP.

  12. LOL! I can definitely relate to the one about having to wear a bra and be dressed. I can't tell you how many times I've scrambled to get out of my pajamas only at the sound of the doorbell, when my son gets home on the school bus. He will argue with me how he is more tired than me at the end of a long day, and I will make up some story about how I was so overwhelmed by clients when in fact I had just woken up from a nap.

    I know your older one is leaving for college soon. ENJOY these heavenly and crazy 3 months with your darlings!


  13. School has only been out a day and already the food is disappearing at an alarming rate. I watched my older son sit down in front of the tv with a gallon of milk in his hand and start to raise it to his lips. He nearly jumped out of his skin whenI yelled, "Whoa! Whoa!" Jeez. Of course, during most of the week I'll be at work so I won't even get to monitor.

    1. I know, our food bill jumps UP drastically by that first week. My husband asks what's going on and I have to remind him, every summer: THREE BOYS ARE HOME.

  14. Enjoy it! You have somehow made me excited for summers in which Pringles, sunscreen and Costco will be my bestest friends.

    1. Glad I could help! SPread your good cheer this way! xo

  15. Enjoy!

    You've made me somehow excited for when sunscreen and Pringles from Costco will be my best friends!

  16. The only thing worse than going to the store with the kids is sending my husband to the store with the kids. Actually, to Costco with the kids. I've never seen people who could come home with more random, extra stuff in my whole life.

    Enjoy your babes.

  17. Ah that's it. Fun as you know it as OH-VAH!

  18. This made me laugh hysterically! All we do is "play on the 'puter all day long", right?

  19. Your teens don't sleep until noon when given the chance? And I can relate to the, mom, get off the computer/internet, whining. ;-)



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