Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Royally Flanked

....and no small wonder as to why he sleeps the sleep of kings.

All is well tended to, by the royal older brother guards, at the ready to serve and protect their royal charge. A duty that is taken quite seriously in this castle, to protect the baby emperor come what may.

Were they prepared for this task on a dark Halloween night? The answer was a firm, unwavering, "Yes, my queen. We shall guard the boy."

"Very well then, be safe, my children. And hold your little brother's hand. I love you."


  1. Awww! Sweet! I love the costumes! My boys will throw a fit when they see it. We are some big Star Wars freaks over here. Mo would say Baby E would need Magnaguards for proper protection. He's been reading again...

  2. Love it! He looks so happy, content, and safe! Great pic!

  3. Not sure I could have ever counted on my oldest to protect his younger siblings. I think he might still throw them under the bus, if given the chance!

  4. You are cute!!

    That baby in the center looks adorable!

  5. Those are awesome costumes and I'm glad they've got his back!

  6. How cute are they? No one would mess with a boy so well guarded.

  7. That's great!

  8. I love the look on the boy's face.

  9. Adorable.
    I think my boys are old enough to dress as coordinating characters this year for Halloween. Let the plotting begin!

  10. hehe. So cute. He is in very good hands, clearly.

  11. I love a family who is serious about Halloween! Also I missed you! Oh and look you are on twitter!

  12. I can't believe you got your older boys to do that. they are sweet guys!

  13. That is too cute!

  14. Awwwwwwwww! That is so so sweet! What a great post! Makes me smile

  15. As you wish, Empress, as you wish.

    So cute. I need more boys.

  16. they are so adorable! Baby E looks so happy and excited!

  17. Adorable. My almost-five-year old would give his Power Rangers mask to be in that picture!

  18. Wonderful costumes! Very well done. My boys are so into that stuff, too.

  19. Awesome costumes!!! My how time flies....
    seems like yesterday my 16 yr old was running around
    in his split crotch power ranger costume!!

  20. Great costumes! What's the secret to getting the kids to agree on a theme?? Last Halloween, I had a knight, a crypt keeper, and two fairies.

  21. What terrific big brothers to play along!
    At my house I have to send the youngest along to keep an eye on the older ones ; )

  22. Nice job. We did this a couple of years, too - pirates, two Pokemon characters, Dracula and a bat. But my favorite was the angel and devil combo.

  23. Aw, so sweet. Wishin my kids got along that well. Any tips?

  24. Amazing costumes. And the commentary is even better.

  25. My girl would run up to houses for extra candy for her little brother when he'd get too scared.

    Big siblings are the best!

  26. Julia would love a play date with those guys. She'd be princess Leia or maybe Padme.

  27. What better escort could there be? Though watch out for Captain Rex ... he is a traitor!

  28. Oh that is so sweet and I love it that they stayed in character!

    Thanks so much for coming by my blog for Naomi's guest post - hope to see you back soon!


  29. Jango Fett! My boy was a Jango Fett, too. And the lil' one was Yoda.

    When I was pregnant year before last, I wore a short blonde wig and went as Rosemary from Rosemary's Baby. I love Halloween!

    Looking forward to the next Baby E post......

  30. we have a peanut allergy at our house too (read on your profile) so i am high fiving you - i feel your pain. and your scrupulous reading of labels.

  31. Love the costumes! My little guy is into Star Wars and loves to dress in his Jedi outfit all the time. Yours look like serious protectors of their charge.

  32. Ok, my first time here, and love your header "Because you can't use your friends for therapists forever". NICE!

  33. Wasn't that just an adorable picture? I came across it, and knew I couldn't wait till October to use it.

    It makes me smile everytime I look...



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