Monday, November 2, 2015

NaBloPoMo: What's It All About?

I'm featured on BlogHer today with an original post on why I join in on November's National Blog Posting Month.

We all have our reasons for posting every day for 30 days. Recommitment to writing is one for me. But one of my favorite surprises about NaBloPoMo is what awaits at the end of the month-long endeavor:

Writing that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for having to sit and produce every day for 30 days.

There's a lot of gems that you discover when you have to dig deep.

Please click over to BlogHer and see if you don't catch the excitement of participating in National Blog Posting Month. I'm positive you'll find inspiration for energies sparked along with your writing fire lit once more.
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  1. Found you via Blogher. Am a newbie NaBloPoMo so enjoyed your post with tips and advice. Not sorted out the cross posting business yet, do I copy and paste my post into the post thing on Blogher - very confused.
    Glad you clarified you can write what you like and dont have to follow the daily prompts.
    Just 28 more to do now :)

    1. Hello, Helen! So nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by. Glad you connected. I hopped over to your blog but the only link I have is to a blog from 2013. Is there a more recent one? I'd love to follow you and keep up with your nablopomo postings! (yes, that's what you do to cross post, c & p onto your blogher account) Good luck!

  2. I am in awe of people who do NaBloPoMo.
    I have never even tried NaNoWriMo and I think posting every day must be harder because with NaNoWriMo you can just spill to get to a set word count and you're tackling a single story instead of coming up with a fresh topic every day.

    Then again, I post only every month or three - ha! Starting this November, I'm going to try to get to twice a month and then maybe even once a week.

    Not exactly awe-inspiring...but it's a start.



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