As if my life were not exciting enough, last week beat all.
I went and took my Starbucks money, and had a personalized blog assessment done by Eli/Rose Social Media.
It was so.very.cool.
I have always wondered what my blog looks like, what impression it gives. And, for the cost of one of my trips to Starbucks [double tall breve latte], I found out - for the special introductory rate of $7 until May 1, Eli/Rose Social offers a 25 point blog assessment. Talk about giving it away!
Eli/Rose, an idea whose time is now, is a business founded by Liz of a belle, a bean, and a chicago dog, and KLZ of Taming Insanity. These two brainy, social media savvy lady bloggers have the best idea in the blogosphere that I've seen: they offer many blogger/etsy/ and business services, but the coolest is their Personal Strategy package - for $15 they can guide those interested in taking their blog to the next level.
I received 3 pages of an analysis and detailed review of my blog that was so interesting. Their points were something I could implement right away, and, just as a sample: one idea they offered shaved 4 seconds off my blog loading time.
Important stuff when you want people to be able to visit you.
I was so pleased and impressed with what Liz and KLZ did for me, that I want to spread the word on Eli/Rose. I invited them here for a chat, and we discussed some basic questions, that I think will let you know just how worth it I feel their services are. [psssssssssst...read through to the end, there is a GIVEAWAY involved!] Pay attention people, they have already worked with over 25 bloggers!
Welcome, KLZ and Liz!!
What services does Eli | Rose Social Media offer to bloggers?
I went and took my Starbucks money, and had a personalized blog assessment done by Eli/Rose Social Media.
It was so.very.cool.
I have always wondered what my blog looks like, what impression it gives. And, for the cost of one of my trips to Starbucks [double tall breve latte], I found out - for the special introductory rate of $7 until May 1, Eli/Rose Social offers a 25 point blog assessment. Talk about giving it away!
Eli/Rose, an idea whose time is now, is a business founded by Liz of a belle, a bean, and a chicago dog, and KLZ of Taming Insanity. These two brainy, social media savvy lady bloggers have the best idea in the blogosphere that I've seen: they offer many blogger/etsy/ and business services, but the coolest is their Personal Strategy package - for $15 they can guide those interested in taking their blog to the next level.
I received 3 pages of an analysis and detailed review of my blog that was so interesting. Their points were something I could implement right away, and, just as a sample: one idea they offered shaved 4 seconds off my blog loading time.
Important stuff when you want people to be able to visit you.
I was so pleased and impressed with what Liz and KLZ did for me, that I want to spread the word on Eli/Rose. I invited them here for a chat, and we discussed some basic questions, that I think will let you know just how worth it I feel their services are. [psssssssssst...read through to the end, there is a GIVEAWAY involved!] Pay attention people, they have already worked with over 25 bloggers!
Welcome, KLZ and Liz!!
What services does Eli | Rose Social Media offer to bloggers?
Eli | Rose offers a wide array of blogger services. The cornerstone of our offerings is our 25+ point blog assessment and customized personal strategy session. We’re offering special pricing on both through May 1st.
I am not very tech-savvy, how will I be able to implement your recommendations?
Our blog assessment is put together in a simple checklist format. We’ll even provide links to any relevant tutorials you need.
Are you guys going to be mean?
No, no, not at all. We fully recognize that it can be hard to have someone review your work. But don’t worry. We’re not mean - we want to see your ideas grow. Growth does not come from meanness.
Besides your blogger services, what else can I find on your site?
In addition to our blogger services, our site offers regular tips and tricks for etsy shops and small businesses, as well as social media news and best practices.
If I get an assessment, will I instantly start raking in cash?
This, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee. What we can say is that others that have worked with us have seen substantial increases in everything from followers to pageviews.
Is my significant other going to be mad I spent money on this?
Again, no guarantees, but we doubt it. Our blogger services cost roughly the price of a trip to Starbucks with your family.
So, after I get my personal strategy and assessment, what else?
Keep following along. We’re planning to add blogging webinars to our bag of tricks in the near future. In the meantime, we’ve got some great post topics lined up on everything from blogging basics to innovative marketing ideas.
I think I might know a couple people who’d be interested.
That’s awesome. We’ve got a referral program. If you love your blog assessment, refer 3 people who pay for a service and we’ll give you a free personal strategy session. And if you've already purchased a strategy session, you'll get a discount on a webinar of your choice.
Find us at http://www.elirose.com, like Eli | Rose Social Media on Facebook or follow Eli | Rose on Twitter @EliRoseSocial
**Great news! Eli | Rose Social Media is giving away one free blog assessment. Head over to Eli | Rose to enter this giveaway. Entrance is simple:
- Follow Eli | Rose Social Media via GFC or email
- Like Eli | Rose Social Media on Facebook
- Follow @EliRoseSocial on Twitter
- Tweet about the giveaway: I just entered for a chance to win a blog assessment from @elirosesocial ! http://bit.ly/aDdU31
Entries will be accepted through Monday, May 2nd. Winner selected via Random.org.
---------------------P.S. I was not compensated in any way for this review. I just love what these two are doing so much, that I begged them to do a review. Naah...not really, I just asked nicely.