Monday, March 21, 2011

Sign The Get Well Card Here - Baby E Post

It's Monday, and that usually joyously means a Baby E Post.

Baby E is under the weather. Doctors are hoping this first round of antibiotics will work for a lump on the bone of his beautiful jawline.

Me, too.

We'll have a follow up midweek.

I told Baby E I'd do his post for him. He has some notes, but I told him to just save them for next week. He's not feeling the greatest on the antibiotics.

If you'd like to leave him well wishes, please do...and he will love to read them later.  He loves to read your comments.

It'll be a doozy of a post next week.

Here's to positive energy and thoughts that next week at this time, we'll know what's going on.

Thank you all, I know you'll send your love and healing thoughts our way. 
**Just found out now that I post  I submitted to a blog I've long admired: Tiki Tiki Blog, has been accepted by them. It's up today, and I couldn't be prouder.

If you can, I'd love for you to click over, and get to know one of Parenting Magazines choices for "Moms Must Read" Blogs. Here's the link to my post there, and THANK YOU!!


  1. Oh no, Baby E. Sorry to hear you're not at your full funny self. Stay well and get back to us soon. In the meantime, tell your mom I prescribed you lots of DS time and Kung Fu Panda World, too.

  2. Get better Baby E! Can't wait to read next Monday's post from you!!

  3. Poor baby E, I hope he gets better soon. Tell him his presence today was greatly missed.

  4. Hey there Baby E! I sure do you're feeling better really quickly! My five kids had ickiness over the last few weeks. We like to tell silly jokes when someone is sick in our house, so I thought I would send some you're way!

    Knock, Knock
    Who's there?
    Irish who?
    Irish you a happy St Patricks day! (or we've used birthday or get well soon)

    What has 3 tails, 4 trunks and 6 feet?
    An elephant with spare parts!

    Q: What does the bee Santa Claus say?
    A: Ho hum hum!

    Do you know the 20th President of the United States?
    No, we were never introduced!

    Knock Knock
    Who's there?
    Abbott who?
    Abbott time you answered the door!

    Get well soon Baby E!

  5. Oh no little buddy. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. "Tout de suite!"

  6. Oh no... hey baby E. Get well soon sunshine... get well soon. xo

  7. Oh, Bummer. Being sick is no fun. But anticipation is a beautiful thing. Looking forward to your next post!

  8. All the best for a speedy recovery Baby E. We'll be here ready to read as soon as you are feeling better!

  9. Here's to hoping he feels better.

    *sacrifices chicken

  10. This makes me so sad. I hope you feel better soon, baby E. I want those antibiotics to do their thing so you can get back to doing what you do!

  11. Uh oh! Poor Baby E! Is he a good patient? Get better soon!!

  12. Aw Baby E - I'll really miss your post! Get better and come back next week.

  13. I'm so sorry, Baby E. I'll miss your post. I hope this is a better week for you and you feel better and are back to your writing/posting self soon.

  14. e,

    sorry to hear you are not well..and i pray the antibiotics work as well. does not sound like a whole lot of fun. i imagine you will be well taken care of...get well soon!

    i look forward to next week.


  15. No, no, no. You CAN'T get sick! It's not allowed! Feel better soon. Can't wait to see your post.

  16. Baby E., please get better soon. We miss hearing your adorable voice.

  17. I hope you feel better soon, Baby E! My son is home today, too but I think he's faking.

  18. Ooh! I like Nhmommaof5's idea of get-well jokes. So here's some more:

    Knock Knock
    Who's There?
    Atch Who?
    Bless you.

    Okay, kinda lame. I'll try again:

    Knock Knock
    Who's there !
    Dwayne !
    Dwayne who ?
    Dwayne the bathtub. I'm dwowning !

    Let's try something else:

    Why do dolphis swim in salt water?
    Pepper makes them sneeze.

    How do oysters get ready for work?
    They wake up pearly in the morning.

    Why didn't the skeleton go to the pajama party?
    She had no body to go with.

    Hope you feel better soon! :D

  19. Get better E!!

    We're all sending you happy thoughts!

  20. Here is a message from my 7yo son to Baby E:

    Dear Baby E (mommy - is that his real name?),
    I hope you feel better. Do you like snakes? My sister is being annoying. Are you home from school today? I have no school this week. I'm going to buy a spray bottle now. Bye.

  21. Feel better soon!!!! We don't like it when Baby E is sick!!!

  22. Oh, feel better, Baby E! Watch lots of TV and drink some Sprite if your mom says it's OK. That usually helps. I'm looking forward to next week's post!

  23. Dear E,

    So sorry to hear you are not feeling well! Sick days are the worst. Make sure mom lets you watch lots of television.

    Get well!

  24. Dear Baby E, I hope you feel better very very fast. Antibiotics are no fun.

  25. Feel better soon, dude. You can't eavesdrop on your parents if you're sick!!

  26. Baby e just said, "all these people, mom? say thank you to them!"

    He seems much better after the 3rd day of antibiotics. MUCH better than he was on Friday..'twas a looooong worrisome weekend for me.

    Thank you, all so very much.

  27. Wee E, dude, hang in there. Just remember, this yucky stuff will pass and you will be back at the posting in no time.

  28. Hey, Baby E! We're all hoping you get better super quick. We know it's worth it to wait until you feel better before getting your next post.

    Feel better!

  29. So glad you are feeling better Baby E!!! (-:

  30. I hope he feels well soon!

  31. Feel better soon Baby E! I hope those antibiotics do their thing!

  32. Baby E, sorry to hear you're not so well! I bet anything your mom is taking great care of you. Hope you lick this bug fast and are back to your regular funny self soon! xo

    Alexandra - congrats on your post! Will check that out in a few minutes!

  33. Oh what a bummer! We're all missing your post today. Looking forward to next week and I hope you feel better ASAP!

  34. Sick kiddos are noooo fun, ever. Get well soon!

  35. Oh no! I'm so sorry you're not feeling well Baby E. :( Get better stat!

  36. Tell him we are praying for him and love him!

  37. So sorry to hear you feel like crap Baby E. I make a point of coming to your mom's blog on Mondays for sure because you're the highlight of my day! Get better! And remember, aim for the bucket!

  38. Baby E! I don't know if your mom told you this, but I LOVE your artwork. It made me so happy. My husband heard me laughing at your rhyme and came to ask me what I was laughing at. So I showed it to him and he loved it, too.

    The answer to your question is "YES!".

    I hope you feel better soon!!!

  39. Monday just is NOT the same without Baby E. His huge ginormous fan club misses him! XOXO

  40. Hope you feel better soon, Baby E!

  41. Baby E, I hope you feel better really soon :) Sending healing thoughts and funny jokes your way. Can't wait to read next week's post!

  42. my dear boy; do get better. :)

  43. Hope he feels better. It's strange but in my house a sick little boy always handled things better than a sick little girl.

    I miss little kids! :(

  44. I bet you're already so much better that you're up and at 'em. And I have to tell you, in my whole life, I NEVER got so many get-well soon cards, all sick days combined! You're one well-loved kid!

  45. Get well Baby E!!!!! Monday isn't the same without you!

  46. Poor Baby E! Sending you the best GET WELL SOON thoughts I can come up with. I can't wait to read your post next week!

  47. Baby E -- I hope today is a better day. Snuggle up under those covers, and enjoy the (I'm certain) constant hugging from your mom. I'll be excited to hear what you have to say about all of this next week. Take good care!

  48. Dear Baby E, I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Getting sick sucks a lot. I know that your mom is doing everthing to get you better.
    Here is a little video about a fart machine in a library. It makes me giggle. I bet you wish that your mom could buy you a fart machine. Maybe you should ask her for one ;)
    Get well soon!

  49. Oh so sorry to here Baby E is not feeling well! Wishes for a speedy recovery:)

  50. Aw, Baby E! Get feeling better!

  51. I hope you are feeling Much Better today Baby E! I'm adding some reinforcement positive thought to get you back here Monday : )

  52. Baby E I am late! But I wish you so much health! And oodles of noodles (unless that's not your favorite food, but ask your mom for whatever you want, this is the time to get it)

  53. I hope he is feeling much better now, but I'm sending many ****healthy healing vibes**** to him right now (I was told I could have them delivered express).

  54. I'm a blog hopefully Baby E is feeling better now.....but just in case, I'll be praying for you, Baby E, and sending lots of good thoughts your way!



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